Electric Mountain Bike Racing – Go Further- Faster
Enjoy the Camaraderie of Like – Minded Enthusiast’s

This website may be titled EMTB Racing, but this year we are going for a Trailride. The Forest Service said no to a Enduro Race Permit this year. (COVID excuse).

So we will do a Club EMTB Trialride instead.

On the Continental Divide in the Heart of the Rockies on Monarch Pass – Hwy 50 west of Salida, Colorado.

The thinking this year is a Club EMTB Trailride as a fun test ride of the King of Monarch Enduro course on the Continental Divide. From the Ponderosa Lodge 12 miles west of Salida, Colorado on Monarch Pass and Hwy 50 .

Show up on Friday October 1st for dinner and spend the night relaxing at the rustic Firefighting Camp Lodge Friday night. The North fork of the South fork of the Arkansas river runs through edge of the property.

Saturday October 2nd, 2021
Acclimate Saturday on a ride up the North fork of the South fork of the Arkansas River, up a beautiful box canyon on a rough Jeep road to 2 Alpine Lakes. About 8 miles uphill and then, 8 miles back down. Or take a shuttle to the top of Monarch Pass and practice on the Continental Divide Singletrack Trail and down Green Creek Singletrack. Or ride Up challenging Green Creek Singletrack to the Continental Divide and back down?

Saturday night enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow enthusiast’s on the outdoor patio’s, take in the stunning views, and a campfire at the Ponderosa Lodge.
The Ponderosa Lodge is BYOB.

Sunday October 3rd 2021
Course Description

Sunday go on a 38 mile Trailride Loop over some of Colorado’s iconic Mountain Bike Singletrack Trails. No worries, their also little used OHV Trails. Ride 2 track to the top of an old mining Gulch and then down a mine haulage road to an old Railroad Right-of-way. Then up Hwy 50, past the Monarch Ski Resort to Old Monarch Pass. From Old Monarch Pass it is majority Singletrack to the finish.
Since it’s a Trailride, you start when you wish and ride with whoever you want. The club will supply water on trail and a generator at Monarch pass in case someone needs a Boost.

The ‘Old school Mtn. Bikers’ take a ‘Shuttle’ up to the Continental Divide Trail. You are going to Ride-Up to Old Monarch Pass. 7,300 feet of assents and and descents in 38 miles.
The Trailride starts at 8,500 feet above sea level on 2 track, ride to the top of Taylor Gulch at 12,000 feet, descend to 10.5k on a dirt mine haulage road, ride up on paved Hwy 50 about 3 miles to Old Monarch Pass at 11,300 feet.

Ride iconic Colorado Singletrack right on the Continental Divide from Old Monarch Pass on the Continental Divide Trail to down Green Creek to the Finish.

The last 10 miles of the loop is downhill, seven miles of it on Green Creek, a classic & challenging Colorado Singletrack trail.

The Trailride will Stage and Finish from the Ponderosa, Lodge in Maysville, Colorado from Friday night to Sunday. 12 miles west of Salida on Hwy 50 in the Heart of the Rockies. On Monarch Pass. Below Mount Shavano.

How does this relate to your EMTB ?

EMTB Club Trailride Oct 1-3 2021


Continental Divide Trail. Right on the Continental Divide.

Green Creek
Top of Green Creek – Challenging Singletrack.

Autumn Colors
Awesome colors in October

Monarch Pass
Back when Men were Men