How does the ‘Club’ Trailride portion work ?
Exit Tours MC is a Salida, Colorado based non-profit Motorcycle Club. They put on Dual Sport, Singletrack and Adventure Club Motorcycle rides near the Cross Roads of the Rockies in the Heart of the Rockies.

Some of the Club members thought an Electric Mountain Bike Enduro would be a hit and a fun way to spend time in the Mountains. The Forest Service said no to a Permit for a EMTB Enduro in 2021. So we will do a Club Trailride instead for 2021.

Join the Club for a EMTB Trailride – King of Monarch
Oct 1-3 2021
Club membership is required to Participate and receive GPS tracks by email of the loops. Ride with GPS Club Membership is included with joining Exit Tours MC.
To lodge & eat and Hang-out at the Ponderosa Lodge in Maysville , Colorado you must join the Exit Tours MC.

Less than 75 riders, staging and lodging on private property, not paying for the ride but to Join the club, no trail markings and paying for amenities and not for the Trailride itself, falls within the Federal Code of Regulations for a Club ride.

The course will not be marked in any fashion, but will be navigated by cell phone compatible Ride With GPS tracks.
There will be water stations on the several of the climbs and a generator at Monarch Pass in case someone needs a ‘Boost’. There will be a support truck and a motorcycle ‘chase’ rider with a Satellite phone in case anyone has any issues.

See the the Links below for info on Joining the club and to Sign-Up for the Trailride, Lodging & Meals, Extra-Curricular Activities and Navigation & Safety, from the Ponderosa Lodge Oct 1-3 2021.

Amenities with your Membership
Amenities included with the EMTB Trailride include reserved Lodging at the Ponderosa Lodge, 5 meals with your confirmed reservation at the Ponderosa Lodge, which includes an after the ride BBQ Sunday afternoon. The Club will provide a few beers Sunday Afternoon.
- Ride With GPS Tracks of the Loop
- Ride With GPS Club Membership
- King of Monarch T-Shirt
- Participant Pin
- Water Stations
- Generator at Monarch Pass if you need a ‘Boost’
- Chase Truck and Local Support
- Chase MC Rider with Sat Phone
- Club Newsletter
Associate Club Membership is $199.00 in 2021. Anyone you share a Last name with may participate with a Club Member for only $149.00
